Monday, June 22, 2009


The Babywearing section on the Mum & Bubs website is worth checking out if you're pregnant or if you have a baby, in fact spending a little time checking out this section could make parenting a whole lot easier!

Babywearing Facts and Myths

Wearing my baby will reduce their crying.
TRUE Wearing your baby will reduce their crying. In a study of 99 mothers and babies pediatricians in Montreal provided half the group with babycarriers and asked their mothers to wear their babies for at least and extra three hours a day regardless of how their baby's fussed. After 6 weeks they found the carried babies cried an average of 43% less than the control group.

My baby be bored if they are worn all the time.
FALSE A worn baby experiences what you experience, they learn more about the world around them through you then they would sitting in a bouncer or even in a pram. Even doing household chores can be more educational and entertaining for a baby than we could possibly imagine!

Wearing my baby is healthier for them.
TRUE gentle tummy pressure from babywearing helps with digestion, close contact helps regulate body temperature and can even have benefits for baby's breathing and heart function. Many parents also find colicky and reflux babies are more comfortable in a carrier, particularly one which allows them to be upright, even if they need to nap.

Babywearing is uncomfortable and could damage my back.
FALSE Wearing a carrier in the correct way shoudl never be dangerous or uncomfortable. If you are worried about comfort or if you have some problems with your back, neck or shoulders there are options which will suit you better, such as the ergo or ergo sport both of which are chiropractically endorsed and designed to offer maximum comfort and support.

Worn babies learn more.
TRUE Babies who are worn spend more time in a state of 'quiet altertness'. Baby is calm & secure but still aware of their surroundings and more receptive to learning new things. Many people note babies who are worn seem to be quick learners and are 'humanized' (learn how to be a human!) earlier.

Wearing a baby a lot will be a hassle.
FALSE Quite the opposite, you will find you are able to get things done quicker and easier while wearing your baby, instead of waiting for a moment when they are calm (and safe) or asleep to do what needs to be done. Wearing your baby will also provide discreet breastfeeding, or a safe sleeping place wherever you are, and it will eliminate the need to always have a bulky stroller with you, what a bonus when you're in a rush at a crowded mall!

There are plenty of reasons to give babywearing a try, let us know if you would like help choosing the right babycarrier for you!

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