Tuesday, July 07, 2009

I kept hearing about how wonderful Dunstan Baby Language was, and to be honest I was a little skeptical, I mean how can you differentiate baby's cries? Their brains aren't developed enough to communicate, so how can they speak to us through their crying?

Last night I was lucky enough to borrow the DVD pack, I figured I'd read the material and watch a few minutes of one DVD and make my mind up that way - after all my son's past the baby stage and I'm nto planning on another newborn just yet so why watch the whole thing!?

Do you know what I did? I watched both DVDs, read the whole booklet, poured over the information and became a full-blown Dunstan Baby Language Convert (one who had to tell herself 'no more babies just yet!') Forget nappies, clothes and toys this is my new gift-of-choice for expectant parents, regardless of what time round it is.

Dunstan Baby Language really teaches you to decode your baby's cries just by listening to the 5 different sounds they make while crying or in the early stages before crying. The different sounds are made by the different reflexes your baby has in response to different feelings. For example the cry for feeding is unique because it is made by adding sound to the sucking reflex, while a tired cry is made by adding sound to a yawn reflex.

I was amazed at how logical Dunstan was, how simple it made decoding your baby's cries and how much difference it would make to a family with a newborn.

I think it's fair to say if you want to make sure you understand what your baby really wants and needs, if you want a calmer household and a happies baby you need Dunstan Baby Language.

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