Sunday, August 09, 2009

World Breastfeeding Week is Over

World Breastfeeding Week has finished and once again it looks like it has been successful in raising awareness about the importance of breastfeeding. However what do you do if you can't breastfeed?

When my son was born we had a few small issues with him not putting on enough weight, and as a result I needed to pump and take a herbal supplement to increase my milk supply. My midwife gave me the support I needed and stayed on an additional week or two just to ensure we were feeding well and gaining a good amount of weight every few days.

Despite being able to feed successfully for a short time at 3 months my son's sucking began to change and he lost weight. Distraught I took him to his Dr, who told me "all women worry about breastfeeding" and sent me on my way without checking my son, how he fed or his weight. Fortunately Health Line were more helpful, sorting us out with a Karitane Nurse.

When we first met with the Nurse she advised me to give my son a bottle after each feed for the first day, and arranged a time to fit me with a lact-aide or SNS (supplemental nursing system) the following day. I was distraught, until then my son had been exclusively breastfed and like all new mothers in New Zealand I had read about the benefits of breastfeeding and the dangers of bottlefeeding and felt like I was in some way harming my son.

Breastfeeding your baby is certainly best, and it is worth giving it your very best and working hard at it if you experience difficulties. However, sometimes breastfeeding isn't possible and it is simply better for baby if they are supplemented or formula fed. If you have given it your best shot, and if you have the support of a health professional then you need to feel good and guilt free that you have done the best by your baby.

At Mum & Bubs we have plenty of products to help with breastfeeding and breastfeeding difficulties. We'd love to help answer questions, recommend products or refer you to the appropriate professionals.

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