Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sharing Your Breastpump

Can mothers buy or borrow pre-owned breastpumps?

As breastpump retailers we are often asked whether buying or borrowing 2nd hand breastpumps is safe for mothers and babies. While retailers are usually supplied with plenty of information on sharing breastpumps it's not often passed on to their customers and many mothers don't realise the risks that can be involved.

Breastpumps, particularly electric breastpumps, are single user items much like a toothbrush, they are even registered with the FDA (Food and Drug Administration, USA) as such. The inner workings of electric breastpumps are unable to be removed or replaced and can never be fully sterilized. This means the risk of cross-contamination associated with re-using a previously owned pump can never be completely ruled out.

There is some evidence that breastmilk can contain certain viruses, like CMV (Cytomegalovirus), HIV-Human Immunodeficiency Virus (AIDS), and HTLV-1 (Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type 1.) and if cross-contamination of baby's milk occurs these viruses may be passed to your baby. So while saving a few dollars on a second hand pump may seem like a great idea Mum & Bubs and Medela strongly discourage re-using and re-selling.

Don't forget at Mum & Bubs we are happy to arrange payment plan and laybuys for all our products including breastpumps, and if you have a limited budget we can suggest the best pump for your needs within your financial limits. After all we're here to support, encourage and provide solutions for mothers, who just like us, want the very best for their precious babies.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Flat or Inverted Nipples

Too often I hear mothers tell me they wish they'd checked for flat or inverted nipples before their baby was born and they caused complications with breastfeeding, so we thought we'd let you know what you can do about it.

Flat or inverted nipples are much more common than you might think, with an estimated 10% of first time mothers having them. Unfortunately for many mothers they lead to an inability to breastfeed successfully and can result in many hours of frustration, many dollars spent on equipment and formula and perhaps worst of all guilt at not succeeding with breastfeeding.

What surprises me most is how often flat or inverted nipples go undiagnosed, and how many mothers only find out later what caused their difficulties with feeding, especially considering how many women are affected. It's very easy to check yourself, and if you believe you may have flat or inverted nipples it is then simple to help draw them out using breast shells or a manual breastpump. We also recommending seeking the help of a lactation consultant.

What causes flat or inverted nipples?
it's simple really, the muscle tissue that makes up the nipple is not as elastic as it should be.

How do flat or inverted nipples affect breastfeeding?
The nipple stimulates baby's sucking by 'stroking' baby's palate. If a nipple is flat or inverted it is less likely to reach baby's palate and won't remind baby to suck. Often mothers with flat or inverted nipples note that their baby will suck strongly on a teet or dummy but is disinterested in the breast, and unfortunately many take this to mean that their child prefers the bottle, when really they just dont' know what to do with the breast.

How do I know if I have flat or inverted nipples?
If you are worried about flat or inverted nipples tell your midwife or LMC before baby arrives, if baby has already arrived talk to your midwife or a lactation consultant. You can also check your nipples yourself.

Simply cup your under under your breast and place your thumb above the areola. Press your thumb down and watch your nipple. A normal nipple will appear erect, a flat nipple will have no or little change and an inverted nipple will go concave (inwards a bit like a belly button)

Images from

What can I do if I have flat or inverted nipples?
It's very important to seek professional advice from a lactation consultant if you are having trouble feeding or if you have concerns. However they are likely to recommend the same things we do. Breast shells are brilliant at helping to draw out flat or inverted nipples and can be worn both during and after pregnancy. Pumping with a good manual breastpump is another great way to help improve the elasticity of the nipple muscle.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Price DEcreases and Specials

It seems as though prices are climbing higher by the minute sometimes! So we've bucked the trend and permanently lowered our entire Fabric Toy Range.

We also have a week long special on Bubzilla slings, our favourite pouch sling were $120 now $75 until the 16th of September only!

But our favourite price decrease is on the Baby First nappies which are down to just $16 each to celebrate their new TV ads airing on TV2 on Thursday September 10th at 9.20pm, Friday Spetember 11th at 10.00pm and Saturday September 12th at 7.50pm.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Welcome to Spring!

It's finally spring (well for all us Southern Hemispherians) and something that's got me really excited is that I'll be able to leave my dryer alone and get all my nappies out on the line. I've been washing nappies almost non-stop since 2005 and I can sometimes take the amazing properties of the sun and UV light (all in the context of nappy washing) for granted but at this time of year I can't help but be excited by them!

Perhaps the best thing about getting my nappies outside in the sun, or even just into the light, is that i know when they come back in a few hours later they'll be santized and germ-free. Just 2 hrs of UV light, not necessarily direct sunlight, will sanitize your nappies, and anything else that happens to be onthe line aswell.

The way the sunlight - or even moonlight - can get rid of stains is another thing that always amazes me. My nappies can come out of the wash with yellow stains that look like they'll never shift, even after multiple washes, but just 10mins in the sun or 20 under the moon and those stain disappear. It's magic and it happens so fast if you have the time you could watch them fade and shrink and disappear.

Finally I love how clean my nappies feel and even smell when I take them off the line. You just can't get that same feeling in a tumble dryer. As for smells, they can sometimes hang around a bit - usually when baby is teething and their urine is incredibly potent - but spending a sunny day on the line, or even better in the sun with a nice breeze, and there isn't a smell to be found.

And there's no need to remind you that using the washing lines saves power, so is kinder on your wallet and to the earth.

Happy nappy-drying spring!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

World Breastfeeding Week is Over

World Breastfeeding Week has finished and once again it looks like it has been successful in raising awareness about the importance of breastfeeding. However what do you do if you can't breastfeed?

When my son was born we had a few small issues with him not putting on enough weight, and as a result I needed to pump and take a herbal supplement to increase my milk supply. My midwife gave me the support I needed and stayed on an additional week or two just to ensure we were feeding well and gaining a good amount of weight every few days.

Despite being able to feed successfully for a short time at 3 months my son's sucking began to change and he lost weight. Distraught I took him to his Dr, who told me "all women worry about breastfeeding" and sent me on my way without checking my son, how he fed or his weight. Fortunately Health Line were more helpful, sorting us out with a Karitane Nurse.

When we first met with the Nurse she advised me to give my son a bottle after each feed for the first day, and arranged a time to fit me with a lact-aide or SNS (supplemental nursing system) the following day. I was distraught, until then my son had been exclusively breastfed and like all new mothers in New Zealand I had read about the benefits of breastfeeding and the dangers of bottlefeeding and felt like I was in some way harming my son.

Breastfeeding your baby is certainly best, and it is worth giving it your very best and working hard at it if you experience difficulties. However, sometimes breastfeeding isn't possible and it is simply better for baby if they are supplemented or formula fed. If you have given it your best shot, and if you have the support of a health professional then you need to feel good and guilt free that you have done the best by your baby.

At Mum & Bubs we have plenty of products to help with breastfeeding and breastfeeding difficulties. We'd love to help answer questions, recommend products or refer you to the appropriate professionals.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

World Breastfeeding Week

This year World Breastfeeding Week is focusing on the life-saving capacity of breastfeeding both everyday and in emergency situations. They want to ensure in an emergency situation, like flooding, earthquakes or even a pandemic that mothers have first priorty access to food, water and shelter and that they are provided with a safe place to breastfeed.

In an emergency situation breastfeeding your baby is even more beneficial, breastmilk can be one of the only safe sources of food and liquid for your baby and it will keep them fed and hydrated whenever they require. Breastfeeding also helps prevent post-partum haemorrhaging in new mothers, a leading cause of maternal mortality, and once again in an emergency situation when medical help can be stretched to it's limits or even unavailable breastfeeding shortly after brith becomes even more important.

Of course breastfeeding is not straightfoward. Many mothers find it incredibly difficult and most mothers will experience some problems or difficulties at some stage. So at Mum & Bubs we have a range of products which can help mothers overcome both common and not-so-common breastfeeding difficulties. We understand what it's like to both succeed and fail at breastfeeding, and we're committed to ensuring mothers can breastfeed their babies whenever it is possible.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Baby First nappies now come in PINK! And it's so pretty I'm having trouble trying to convince myself my son really doesn't need a pink nappy.

Pink is a new colour replacing red and ocean. Red has all sold out, and ocean is running low - so if you're a fan of ocean make sure you get here quickly and order before they're all gone.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Our new Baby First Waterproof Breast Pads have arrived! We love them and we know you will too.

Breast pads help absorb any excess milk which may leak from your breasts during late pregnancy and after the birth of your baby. To use simply insert a breast pad inside each cup of your bra to absorb excess milk.

Our new waterproof breast pads are made from three layers of different fabrics, an outer layer of waterproof fabric, a middle layer of absorbent fabric and an inside layer of saty-dry fabric for against your skin. The hidden absorbent layer soaks up any excess milk, whilst the waterproof backing protects clothing from leakage and staining, an inside layer of stay-dry microfleece keeps you feeling dry and helps prevent nipple sensitivities.

These breast pads are made from breathable fabrics to encourage breast health. they are machine washable and tumble dry-able for your convenience.

Only $10 for a set of 6 with a wet/dry carry bag

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

I kept hearing about how wonderful Dunstan Baby Language was, and to be honest I was a little skeptical, I mean how can you differentiate baby's cries? Their brains aren't developed enough to communicate, so how can they speak to us through their crying?

Last night I was lucky enough to borrow the DVD pack, I figured I'd read the material and watch a few minutes of one DVD and make my mind up that way - after all my son's past the baby stage and I'm nto planning on another newborn just yet so why watch the whole thing!?

Do you know what I did? I watched both DVDs, read the whole booklet, poured over the information and became a full-blown Dunstan Baby Language Convert (one who had to tell herself 'no more babies just yet!') Forget nappies, clothes and toys this is my new gift-of-choice for expectant parents, regardless of what time round it is.

Dunstan Baby Language really teaches you to decode your baby's cries just by listening to the 5 different sounds they make while crying or in the early stages before crying. The different sounds are made by the different reflexes your baby has in response to different feelings. For example the cry for feeding is unique because it is made by adding sound to the sucking reflex, while a tired cry is made by adding sound to a yawn reflex.

I was amazed at how logical Dunstan was, how simple it made decoding your baby's cries and how much difference it would make to a family with a newborn.

I think it's fair to say if you want to make sure you understand what your baby really wants and needs, if you want a calmer household and a happies baby you need Dunstan Baby Language.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Product of the Week

We are introducing a new feature to our facebook page, product of the week. Each week we'll showcase a new or popular product and offer it to our facebook fans for a special price. All you need to do is join us on facebook and keep an eye on our wall posts and discussion board.

This week we're featuring Bambino Mio Liners - these are a must have when you're using cloth nappies because they protect them from nappy creams and they make cleaning up a breeze. For more information on the liners see our website, for more information on the facebook special see the discussion board on our facebook page.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Smart Skincare

Most of us never gave skincare as much thought as we do now we are parents. Before we chose whatever worked well for us, what was on special, what smelt good or what was trendy - but how many of us chose our skincare by ingredients?

Skincare is made up from 6 basic ingredients: emollients, humectants, emulsifiers, surfactants, preservatives and antioxidants and all of these can either be good for your skin - or not so good!

Emollients are perhaps the most important part of any moiturising skincare product. Emollients add moisture to your skin, making it feel soft and not dry. Synthetic emollients are most common in today's skincare, and they tend to be made from petrochemicals which can irritate skin, however natural emollients are beneficial and do a much better job of nourishing dry skin without the irritation.

Look for products which use natural emollients like evening primrose oil, sweet almond oil and wheat germ oil.

Humectants attract nad hold water from the environment (particularly the air) and slowly release it into your skin. Unfortunately many humectants in use today are harsh industrial chemicals which coat the skin and cause irritation.

Look for products which use natural humectants including vegetable glycerine and provitamin B5 also called panthenol.

Emulsifiers are compounds that allow water and oil to mix. Most products use petroleum derivatives as emulsifiers, however these can be allergens. Natural Emulsifiers are a much better option and a less likely to cause irritation or allergies.

Look for products which use natural emulsifiers including decyl polyglucoside which is made from sugar cane.

Surfactants are found in shampoos, washes,soaps and soap alternatives, they are what removes dirt and oil, allowing it to be washed away, and essentially - make you nice and clean! Natural Surfactants are the best choice because unlike synthetics they are less likely to strip the good oils out of your skin. Some Surfactants, especially Sodium Laurel Sulphate and other sulphates may even be harmful.

Look for products which use natural surfactants usually made from palm or coconut oils.

Preservatives are designed to make your products last longer, but many preservatives are unhealthy and can cause skin problems. While all skincare products require the use of preservatives to prevent them from going off and harbouring bacteria there are some preservatives to avoid.

AVOID the use of products which use methyl paraben, propyl paraben, butyl paraben, ethyl paraben and preservatives from the paraben family.

Antioxidants often confused with preservatives antioxidants are used to prevent just the minerals in a product from going off. They are also widely used to smoothe wrinkles as well as preventing or slowing the signs of ageing. Most products use either Vitamin E or the less effective d-alpha tocopheryl acetate.

Look for products which use Vitamin E as their antioxidant, as it is more effective than its man-made counterpart.

Mum & Bubs believe that providing new mums and their babies with skincare that is safe and effective is important, so all of our products adhere to the recommendations above. We only stock skincare that is natural and uses organic ingredients where possible.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

One Size Fuzzi Bunz are coming to Mum & Bubs! These nappies are so popular the waiting time for reatilers to receive them is measured by months instead of the usual weeks or days, but Mum & Bubs are already counting down and we expect to have them by Spring!
We'll be opening up preorders in the next few weeks, and preorders will be highly recommended because I expect they will sell out fast.

Monday, June 22, 2009


The Babywearing section on the Mum & Bubs website is worth checking out if you're pregnant or if you have a baby, in fact spending a little time checking out this section could make parenting a whole lot easier!

Babywearing Facts and Myths

Wearing my baby will reduce their crying.
TRUE Wearing your baby will reduce their crying. In a study of 99 mothers and babies pediatricians in Montreal provided half the group with babycarriers and asked their mothers to wear their babies for at least and extra three hours a day regardless of how their baby's fussed. After 6 weeks they found the carried babies cried an average of 43% less than the control group.

My baby be bored if they are worn all the time.
FALSE A worn baby experiences what you experience, they learn more about the world around them through you then they would sitting in a bouncer or even in a pram. Even doing household chores can be more educational and entertaining for a baby than we could possibly imagine!

Wearing my baby is healthier for them.
TRUE gentle tummy pressure from babywearing helps with digestion, close contact helps regulate body temperature and can even have benefits for baby's breathing and heart function. Many parents also find colicky and reflux babies are more comfortable in a carrier, particularly one which allows them to be upright, even if they need to nap.

Babywearing is uncomfortable and could damage my back.
FALSE Wearing a carrier in the correct way shoudl never be dangerous or uncomfortable. If you are worried about comfort or if you have some problems with your back, neck or shoulders there are options which will suit you better, such as the ergo or ergo sport both of which are chiropractically endorsed and designed to offer maximum comfort and support.

Worn babies learn more.
TRUE Babies who are worn spend more time in a state of 'quiet altertness'. Baby is calm & secure but still aware of their surroundings and more receptive to learning new things. Many people note babies who are worn seem to be quick learners and are 'humanized' (learn how to be a human!) earlier.

Wearing a baby a lot will be a hassle.
FALSE Quite the opposite, you will find you are able to get things done quicker and easier while wearing your baby, instead of waiting for a moment when they are calm (and safe) or asleep to do what needs to be done. Wearing your baby will also provide discreet breastfeeding, or a safe sleeping place wherever you are, and it will eliminate the need to always have a bulky stroller with you, what a bonus when you're in a rush at a crowded mall!

There are plenty of reasons to give babywearing a try, let us know if you would like help choosing the right babycarrier for you!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Want a $100 Giftvoucher?

It's easy! Just join us on Facebook and share your baby tips for a chance to win. The competition will run until the end of August when we will choose our top 10 entries and give YOU the chance to vote for your favourite. Of course out top 10 tipsters will be rewarded as well.

Enter as many times as you like - and all the best!

Prewashing New Nappies

New nappies are always exciting, even for me! But what do you do when they come? Are you restrained enough to wash them before trying them on? Or are you more like me and can't wait!
When it comes to rpewashing there are two types of nappies, ones which should probably be prewashed once before use for hygeine reasons (this is good practise for any new clothes going onto your baby - remember they have probably passed through several hands on their way to your baby) and then the ones which need prewashing up to 10 times to enabel them to absorb properly.
If your nappies are made using cotton, hemp, bamboo or any other natural fiber you'll need to prewash them up to 10 times to remove excess oils and to fluff up the absorbing fibers. Nappies with natural fibers are kind of like new towels, they never absorb as well until they've been washed, and with nappies this lack of absorption can cause leaks.
Prewashing is easy, you can wash with your regular washing, there is no need to dry the nappies in between washes and most people will find 4-6 prewashes sufficient. Just make sure you try a newly prewashed nappy out at home first.
My tip - if you're buying lots of nappies you haven't tried before prewash just one or two first, that way if the nappies really aren't right for you and your baby you can returned the unwashed and unused nappies and exchange them for a different brand!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cloth Nappies

Looking for nappies? Make sure you take a look at Baby First Cloth Nappies in the All in Twos section on our website. Baby First cloth nappies are our best selling nappies - and they haven't even been on the market for a year, but after more than two years of development it's no wonder they are already so popular.

Baby First cloth nappies are an All in Two, they consist of a waterproof 'outer' and an absorbent 'inner' or 'insert'. To use them you simply lay and inner directly inside the outer, and when the inner is wet you replace it with a new one, reusing the cover several times or until it is soiled. So unlike pocket nappies or all in ones you don't have to change the whole nappy all the time saving you money!

These nappies are also reliable, mums are loving the unique leg gussets that are designed to keep even the runniest messes inside the nappy, and because of their All in Two design it is easy to boost absorbency by adding extra inners to the nappy as needed.

We love the nifty way these nappies fit babies. Available in two sizes the first size caters for little babies aged 0-8mths who need a smaller nappy while the second size fits from 4-36mths+. There's no need to buy 3-4 different sizes because these two do the lot! And unlike most one size nappies they won't leave your newborn looking like they are all nappy and no baby.

Baby First Cloth Nappies are just $19.95 each for an outer and two inners. We recommend having 12 nappies in each size (that's up to 24 changes!) giving you 2-3 days between washes depending on your baby's age.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Truth About Washing Detergents

Did you know the #1 reason we find customers aren't getting the best out of their nappies is because of their washing powder? It's a simple thing to change and it can make all the difference.
Using an eco-friendly, biodegradeable detergent that is suitable for sensitive skin is what we recommend in our care instructions and on our website, and believe it or not we don't recommend these just because we care for the environment, they really do have real benefits for your nappies as well.
Detergent issue #1
Perhaps the most common mistake made with detergents is the use of brands that don't break down easily (or at all!) and are full of enzymes, perfumes and fillers, these are usually the cheaper brands but don't be fooled because using a better quality detergent will usually allow you to use and spend less in the long run. While it's obvious non-biodegradeable detergents are not so environmentally friendly did you know they can also leave an oily build up on your nappy that will prevent them from absorbing and cause leaks? The perfumes are also more likely to irritate baby's skin and overuse of these detergents can speed up the deterioration of the fabrics in your nappy, particularly elastics.
Detergent issue #2
Detergent overuse. Did you know we recommend using just 1-2Tbsp of detergent in your wash? That's right as little as possible. This will also help prevent build up, fabric deterioration and skin irritation. And with almost 4 years experience washing nappies I can honestly say a Tablespoon or two of detergent is all I need in my wash to make my nappies clean!
Detergent issue #3
Baking Soda and Vinegar has been recommended by many cloth nappy users in recent years, but I am yet to find a manufacturer who supports its use - why? Vinegar and baking soda washes will deteriorate your fabrics very very quickly and could leave you with nappies that aren't any use at all!
Detergent issue #4
Napisan is a sticky subject, some people don't think it affects modern cloth nappies while others believe it can encourage quick deterioration of elastics and can even encourage the waterproofing on your nappies to 'delaminate' or pull away from the outer fabric. Mum & Bubs don't recommend the use of Napisan, which is not biodegradeable, and we recommend replacing it with biodegradeable Nappy Fresh which will definately be kind to your nappies.
Detergent issue #5
Lux Flakes, Pure Soap Products & Fabric Softeners. All worth avoiding as they cause 'build up' (often within 1 or 2 washes!) and cause leaking.
We particularly like Next Generation, Ecostore, Ecover & Persil Sensitive

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It’s that time again, winter has well and truly set in and the good nappy drying days are over until at least September. Winter colds and flus are also about and without guaranteed sun to sanitize your nappies (2hrs of sunlight will sanitize your nappies) and to bleach out stains and smells it’s a good time to stock up on a winter essential, Nappy Fresh. If you haven’t used Nappy Fresh before make sure you check it out at septic-tank friendly it will sanitize your nappies and remove smells and stains without damaging the fabric or our environment.

*Please note the product packaging shown is different to current packaging.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Hot Milk has arrived at Mum & Bubs! We just love the Hot Milk collection, it combines support and comfort with gorgeous designs that keep mums looking and feeling great. Mum & Bubs offer FREE shipping on all Hot Milk purchases to NZ - and if you spend over $60 we'll ship FREE to Australia as well. Plus buy any Hot Milk lingerie set and we'll throw in a free pair of Milk Man Boxer Briefs for the new dad.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mum & Bubs is Changing!

We are delighted to be able to tell everyone about the changes going on at Mum & Bubs. As some of you will have already seen on our website Mum & Bubs has had a very recent change of ownership, and we know you’ll appreciate what new owner, Averil Stanton, has to offer.

Averil will bring the resources and experience needed to bring you a more efficient shopping experience. As a customer you will notice drastically increased stock levels, courier delivery*, new products, competitive pricing and top quality customer service from experienced staff.

Of course to celebrate Mum & Bubs is having a huge clearance sale, check the specials sections on the website over the next few days for some of the biggest discounts Mum & Bubs has ever offered.